Commercial works contracts are often on historic commercial properties or structural works to commercial properties
GJ Banks (IW) Ltd work on many commercial projects.
Contracts are often undertaken on historic commercial properties or comprise of structural works to commercial properties and can also include repairs to commercial stone buildings.
Recent Projects
Refurbishment of Carisbrooke Castle Toilet Block
Refurbishment of Osborne House Magnolia Toilets
Structural Shop front repairs in Cowes High Street
Structural repairs and restoration of Northwood Cemetery Chapels, toilet block and boundary wall.
Provision of a new pedestrian bridge over the Moat at Porchester Castle, Hampshire.
Repairs and redecorations to The Royal Victoria Arcade, Union Street, Ryde.
Steelwork and roofing to Bouldnor Battery, Yarmouth for English Heritage.
Alterations to 3 Georgian shops in St James Square, Newport into one large premises which is now Nationwide.
Refurbishment of shop fronts and public houses